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Events & Exhbitions

DesignEat group

Street food events


The  creation of a special experience through the food and atmosphere by designing a unique user experience.

"In The Middle " exhabition

 traditional exhibition of the Faculty of Design at the Holon Institute of Technology.  A partner in the production and design process, responsible for sponsorships and public relations

YAFO project


Extensive design project. Including the designing and planning of a conceptual event.  Included graphic design and space intervention to create a special hosting experience.

Under the pecan tree

Private Event


A private  event  for a family with a small private winery. Designing the event and adapting it to the family and the location

High contrast exhabition

Taiwan design week


The first Israeli exhabition  in Taiwan design week in -Taipei. I acted as co-curator and was involved in partner in planning, designing and curating.

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